28 October 2012

Those Places North

An important and newly-founded family left Las Cruces in September.

Tiffani, whose last name remains yet to be changed to reflect her new husband's, laments the move. "Las Cruces was an important place in our relationship. It's easier to say good things about LC now that we're not living there, though. Kind of like how you can fondly remember your first animal even though it bit you and you spent hours shoveling its poop and it eventually went to the pound."

Hideaki "Suzuki" was the man who made the move happen, by Greyhound, as the story goes. "Albuquerque is big," he stated, alluding to more opportunities and more money.

The couple have been swamped in work and startled by the cold(er) weather. Now removed from family and friends, they keep in touch via blog (http://teamsuzuki12.blogspot.com) and social media.

A stellar individual separate of the Suzukis was recently rumored to be leaving as well. This rumor has now been confirmed.

Nikki, first counselor in the University Ward Relief Society presidency, has spread her wings. After a proverbial bird-pooping on Las Cruces, she is migrating to the warmer climate of Mesa, Arizona. "They say New Mexico is the Land of Entrapment. I'm not going to stay one more minute trapped here," Nikki might have told reporters had she been interviewed.

She intends on using her experiences in Las Cruces to help her move forward on her own terms. However, if anyone wishes to donate money to her cause, please get in touch with the Las Cruces Beat. After all, it's not every day that Las Cruceans are able to spread their wings and fly away.

03 May 2012


Dear Stephanie,

Due to your extended absence, we have elected a new Leader.

02 May 2012

MY cookies

How interesting that the last row of cookies left of the family home evening treat was "Mom's row..."