02 July 2011

Extra! Extra!

In the bustling metropolis of Las Cruces you'll find people with stories, stories with people and fresh, sizzling gossip dished out on a plate so hot, it'll burn your fingers. Readers, let your appetite grow because there's more than enough to go around.

Our first scoop involves one of the community's most essential pantries, Walmart. Here, in a place so often disgraced by its 3-mile lines and past-expiration-date merchandise, dozens of people fill not only their shopping carts, but gain life experiences.

My experience was with Mary*, a middle-aged jewelry register cashier. Although her counter loudly brandished the "This Lane is Closed" sign, she eyed the three boxes of unflavored gelatin in my hand through her thinly-rimmed glasses.

"You're fine," Mary said, without a smile. I responded with my sincere gratitude and handed her the boxes. I pointed to the headphones pressed into my ears, declaring my preparations for queing a waste. A call for Chris to clean up the spill on aisle four resounding through the loud speakers was the only reply.

"Here you go," Mary said, handing me the receipt, again without smiling.

As I walked out into the parking lot, I passed the garden section. You won't believe this, but a black cat crossed my path and headed straight through the locked gate into Walmart's property. A flash of thinly rimmed glasses appeared as a car passed. And that's when I realized that Mary not only provided concise customer service, she is secretly harboring a community in the garden section where cats can gather and try on fashion rings.

Committed to bringing you the latest, hottest news before you even know it's happened, it's Arabela, b.

*name has been changed because I don't know her real name.